Government Policies and Intervention (.pdf)

Ever since independence, development of the country and the community has always been the top priority of the government. The Constitution of India mandated the Govt to establish an egalitarian social order by securing to the people social, economic and political justice. And, the nature of the state was to be a welfare one. Hence, the country embarked onto a path of planned socio-economic development to attain the goals of justice. However, the paradigms of development have changed over time based on experiences.
The thrust in the development process has also shifted accordingly. While the experiment with development continues,real development seems to be elusive even after over six decades of governance. During the initial decades, development was conceived in terms of economic development and the emphasis was on a growing public sector with massive investments in basic and heavy industries. Objectives of development were formulated and prioritized by a centralized planning system. In fact, it was essentially a ‘government-led, bureaucracy managed and expert-guided’ enterprise. And, the core concern of development thinking was achieving material prosperity through economic, industrial and infrastructural development.
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