Divinity of Man [part- 2] 
Man stands on the glory of his own soul, the infinite, the eternal, the deathless—that soul which no instru­ments can pierce, which no air can dry, no fire burn, no water melt, the infinite, the birthless, the deathless, with­out beginning and without end before whose glory space melts away into nothingness and time vanishes into non-existence. This glorious soul we must believe in. Out of that will come power 
The infinite power of the spirit, brought to bear upon matter evolves material development, made to act upon thought evolves intellectuality, and made to act upon itself makes of man a God.
Believe, therefore, in yourselves, and if you want material wealth, work it out; it will come to you. If you want to be intellectual, work it out on the intellectual plane, and intellectual giants you shall be. And if you want to attain to freedom, work it out on the spiritual plane, and free you shall be and shall enter into Nirvana, the Eternal Bliss. So is infinite power in the soul of man, whether he knows it or not. Its manifestation is only a question of being conscious of it With the full consciousness of his infinite power and wisdom; the giant will rise to his feet.
Proclaim to the whole world with trumpet voice, “There is no sin in thee, there is no misery in the; thou art the reservoir of omnipotent power. Arise, awake, and manifest the Divinity within!”

                                                                                              To be Continue ……………..